Sunday, February 25, 2007

"Guess-Proof Passwords" - CanWest News Service (02/14/07) ; Wilson, Carla

Security experts suggest avoiding using your mother's maiden name, your spouse's name, your dog's name, birth dates, addresses, or basically any word in any language as a password. Jens Weber-Jahnke, associate professor at the University of Victoria's computer science department and co-founder of the Pervasive Primary Care Informatics Laboratory, recommends combining a random string of at least eight characters, and to use more than just letters. Security experts suggest combining upper and lowercase letters with uppercase letters in the middle of the password, and to not use the same password for everything. A 2006 report from Nucleus Research says one in three people write down their passwords and a shift toward biometrics would help security rely less on vulnerable passwords.

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